Files in directory /2021 in any check-in
- .envrc
- .ignore
- .ocamlformat
- day01
- day02
- day03
- day04
- day05
- day06
- day07
- day08
- day09
- day10
- day11
- day12
- day13
- day14
- day15
- day16
- day17
- day20
- lib
- aoc.opam
- dune
- dune-project
Advent of Code 2021
This was my first year doing AoC and I, like many others, used it to become more familiar with a new language, in this case OCaml 4.13. Most of the code here subsequentally represents a learning adventure and isn't good, idiomatic or at all performant. You've been warned.
To get started, envrc
is recommended to help out:
opam switch create . 4.13.1 --deps-only
Then for each day:
cd <day>
dune exec ./solutions.exe part1 ./input
dune exec ./solutions.exe part2 ./input
Other utils:
dune runtest --watch
dune build @fmt --auto-promote
There is a common Lib
module which holds a few utils that I've used a number
of times while solving the puzzles, as well as a parser combinator library that
I ended up writing starting around day 16 after getting tired of regex parsing
the inputs.
Each day is organized into three parts
which is boilerplate
around the days solutions and the entry point into the solutions using the cli
pattern: solutions.exe part(0|1) ./input
open Printf
open DayXX
let () =
let part = Array.get Sys.argv 1 in
let filename = Array.get Sys.argv 2 in
let lines = Lib.read_lines filename in
match part with
| "part1" -> printf "part 1\n"
| "part2" -> printf "part 2\n"
| cmd ->
printf "unknown part `%s'!" cmd;
exit 1
Tests are under tests
and use OUnit2 around the puzzle examples to provide a
TDD driven experience.
The solution code for the day lives under lib
and is organized into
components that are applicable to both parts, as well as parts
specific functionality in their respective file.
To note: I've tried to avoid using any external dependencies beyond my own common library code as an excercise around exploring the base language and becoming familiar with the quirks and why projects like Base/Core and Batteries exist.